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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Shape Up Your Life

Shape Up Your Life.

She wants that perfect holiday figure. He wants a healthier body. Be it a New Resolution or a dream of fitting into size six, your main reason to shape up should come from within.

When it comes to managing your weight, don't defeat yourself by getting too ambitious! Start with baby steps and realistic goals. Here are some tips to help you get to that ideal, healthy number. It is not impossible; you just need to stay practical!

Start right, eat right.
It is time to develop sensible eating habits. Begin with little tweaks.
  • Sit down for proper meals at the dining table. not plonk yourself in front of the television. Don't rush through your food. Chew slowly and savour every bite. Your body takes about 20 minutes to register that it is full.
  • Feel like snacking? Then go for raisins or nuts (think healthier options such as pistachios, almonds. and cashews) or fruits. Stay away from unhealthy pickings like potato chips and sugar-laden doughnuts.
  • Swap your food. Opt for brown rice instead of white. if you are unaccustomed to the taste of brown rice, start with a mix of both before slowly phasing out white rice. You can also opt for a nutritious meal replacement drink in place of a greasy takeaway during lunch.

Work It, Move It.
keyword: Move!
Find an excuse, any excuse to just move! Those feet are made for walking. So walk. it is simple and free. Take the stairs. In the mall or at work, park at the furthest spot from the entrance and walk. Studies have found brisk walks help burn calories, boost metabolism and energy levels, and strengthen the immune system.

Fifier Lifestyle.
Look into making changes that will help you stay on track, and true to your diet and exercise plans.
  • Get support from family and friends. When you plan for get-togethers, make it a fun activity, say a morning walk in the park or even line dancing. When it comes to food, from brunch to wedding dinners, always take a healthy bite before you head out. That way, you can still socialise, enjoy the food (in smaller proportions) and NOT overindulge.
  • Don't forget to reward yourself occasionally. If it is your favourite food, enjoy in moderation. It is important to know when to stop. Think positive and remember, you are in control!

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