Nutritions Info For Our Healthy Body.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to perform its functions. Food handling and preparation, lifestyle choices and life Stages may necessitate a need to supplement your daily nutrient requirements, as meeting nutrient needs through diet alone is becoming a challenge.
Phytonutrient plant compounds found in the concentrates are believed to be beneficial to human health.
Phytonutrient plant compounds found in the concentrates are believed to be beneficial to human health.
Kids often prefer sweets, ice cream and fries food or snack choices which may not be nutritiously sound for their health. A poor diet can mean that they are missing out on essential vitamins and minerals to meet their growing bodies' needs. Using supplement is one way of ensuring they get what they need (you can choose and observe numbers brands those are good and benefit for you kids and you)
We may have enough vitamins (say vitamin A or B) from our daily food, Would it be excessive to take Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements?
It is possible that on any given day you may get enough of a particular vitamin from your food. Nevertheless, it would be good to also have a Daily tablet because it supplies other nutrients other than the one that was adequate in your diet on that day. The others might well have been lacking in your diet. Rest assured that Daily doesn't have excessively high potencies.
Why is Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement recommended to be eaten with a meal?
Basically, because vitamins and minerals interact with fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The fat - soluble vitamins (A, D, and E) are best absorbed if fat is present in the stomach. The B vitamins help release energy from carbohydrates and the other major nutrients. Many vitamins and minerals function as coenzymes in completing the various enzyme systems built from the amino acids in proteins. In general, vitamins and minerals acts as catalysts to help use food more efficiently. Some multivitamin and mineral supplements have antioxidant function.
What does antioxidant do?
Antioxidants help to protect the body from free radical attacks. Free radicals are toxic compounds that are highly reactive, which have high potential to attack tissues and cause severe damage to cell structures.
Free Radical Damage
Free radicals are created when oxygen atoms lose an electron. This is caused by air pollutants, some medication, radiation and mostly by normal metabolism. Our bodies use oxygen to burn carbohydrates and produce energy. But this oxidative process also results in free radicals. These free radicals are highly reactive, causing oxidative damage to cell parts.
Is it True that cofee/tea depletes the B vitamins?
Yes, coffee and tea contains caffeine, which has long been recognised as nutrient antagonist. Coffee and tea, along with chocolate and cola drinks, can increase the need for many nutrients, especially the B vitamins (Vitamins B are important for maintaining a healthy appetite).
Vitamins B assisst in the release of energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is also essential for the development of red blood cells as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamins B assisst in the release of energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is also essential for the development of red blood cells as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system.
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