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Saturday, 19 May 2012

Function of Nutritions

Function of Nutritions
Vitamin B
A stressful lifestyle, aging and improper diet all impact the need for B vitamins for added energy.

Some beverages that can depletes the B vitamins  such as cofee/tea.
Coffee and tea contains caffeine, which has long been recognised as nutrient antagonist. Coffee and tea, along with chocolate and cola drinks, can increase the need for many nutrients, especially the B vitamins (Vitamins B are important for maintaining a healthy appetite).
Vitamins B assisst in the release of energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is also essential for the development of red blood cells as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to form and maintain cells, assists the body’s absorption of iron and acts as an antioxidant for maintaining healthy bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. Acerola cherries are one of the richest sources of vitamin C that provides additional nutritional benefits for your health. Daily intake of vitamin C is essential as it is water soluble and therefore not stored in the body. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant and essential for collagen formation for healthy skin. It also aids in wound healing (some brand add Multiflavonoid complex (citrus peel and pulp extract) to enchance the effectiveness of vitamin C and acts as an antioxidant).
The Important C’s 
Why is it necessary to replenish vitamin C in our bodies, daily? 
Vitamin C is a vitai nutrient for proper functioning of the body. It is a very Sensitive nutrient and can be lost when it is heated, exposed to air or stored for too long.  

Why is fructose better than sucrose as a sweetener?
Fructose tends to be sweeter than sucrose (white sugar) and thus, less is needed to get the same level of sweetness. Also, fructose is more like sugars iound in fruits. There is some evidence that it is less cariogenic than sucrose. When fructose is consumed in a meal, it has less effect on insuiin than other sugars do.

Is "natural“ better than “synthetic"?
A vitamin found naturally in food would be chemically identical to its synthetic Counterpart produced in the laboratory. The value of naturally sourced vitamins is ihat food factors coexist with the vitamins in the food. These food factors are helpful in utilisation of the essential vitamins and minerals contained in that food.
One Of The Source Of Vitamin C

Vitamin E
Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is important in protecting against cell damage caused by oxidation and in conserving the body's supply of oxygen. However, the solubility of vitamin E may be a complicating factor. Because vitamin E In fat-soluble, it can only be transported from one part of the body to another by fat-containing substance.
Vitamin E helps to protect the body against free radical formation (acts as an antioxidant) and its solubility is highly dependent on fat containing substance. Lechitin, a phospholipid, is known to aid in the transport of vitamin E. Lechitin also acts as an emulsifier that breaks up fats into tiny manageable units for digestion.

Iron and Folic
Blood is essential for life. Iron is a component of haemoglobin. which carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. Everyone needs iron because it is an important factor in the formation of red blood cells and folic acid. Which is essential for the normal growth and maintenance of cells.
Iron and Folic serve the function of forming haemoglobine well. Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of iron anemia. 
While Folic acid is essential for the formation and maturation of both the red and white blood cells in the bone marrow.

What will happen if one take too much iron?
Iron toxicity can occur and is fatal in doses of 3-10gr for children. Large supplemental doses of iron can upset the digestive tract and cause diarrhea or constipation. Excess iron is stored in the liver, pancreas and heart and eventually, will damage these organs. An overdose of iron can irritate the mucosa resulting in ulceration and bleeding and kidney failure.

Any Limit to the amount of Folic Acid that can be consumed?
Yes, there is a limit. For normal healthy persons, the limit shoul not exceed 1mg per day from all sources. Folic acid can be obtained from food including green leafy vegetables, legumes, citrus fruits and enriched grain products.

How to increase iron intake to meet the requirements?
  • at more iron-rich foods like red meat, poultry and seafood.
  • Boost your iron absorption by eating vitamin C that rich foods with iron-rich foods.
  • Limit the consumption of tea or coffee, which can inhibit the absorption of iron.
  • If your food intake does not meet your iron requirement, consider an iron supplement as well as a vitamin C supplement, to aid the absorption of iron.

Fibre Intake
According to leading world health organisations, anyone over the age of six
should get between 20 and 35 grammes of fibre every day. That's equivalent to eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Due to our hectic, fast-paced lifestyle, most of us get nowhere near that amount.
For a simple solution to meeting your everyday fibre intake, add supplements Fibre to your daily supplement plan to help you fulfil the optimum fibre intake your body needs.
Fibre Nutrition

Calcium And Magnesium
Do you know that the skeletal structure determines the size and posture of children as well as adults? Calcium is vital to the formation of strong, healthy bones. To support the rapid growth of their skeletons, children need 2 to 4 times more calcium per kilogramme of body weight than adults do.
About 99% of calcium is deposited in the bones and teeth, making them strong and hard. The remaining 1% is Involved in the blood-clotting mechanism, nerve transmission and muscle contraction. Regular exercise and healthy diet with adequate calcium help teens and adults maintain good bone health. Magnesium is an essential mineral that works synergistically with calcium to perform many important body functions.
Using alternative such as supplement Calcium Magnesium that provides a balanced calcium—magnesium ratio for and developing bodies and build a strong bone mass when young.
Calcium helps in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth while Magnesium is necessary for the mobilization of calcium in the body to metabolis carbohydrates.
Calcium & Magnesium

Glucosamine HCL
Gluccosamine is the main ‘building block’ for semifluids that lubricate joints and increase joint mobility. Glucosamine HCL contains more glucosamine.

Garlic and Licorice
Garlic and Licorice are traditionally used to promote well-being. Licorice complements the function of garlic.
Garliv & Licorice

Black Cohosh
What is black cohosh?
Black cohosh (known as both Actaea racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa), a member of the buttercup family, is a perennial plant that is native to North America. Other common names include black snakeroot, bugbane, bugwort, rattleroot, rattletop, rattleweed, and macrotys. Insects avoid it, which accounts for some of these common names.
Black cohosh is a natural, alternative solution to Hormone Replacement Therapy treatment. Studies have shown and reported that black cohosh has been effectively used to manage hot flushes — one of the major symptoms of menopause and make an improvement in overall well-being during menopause

What potential beneficial effects does black cohosh have for the body? 
Black cohosh helps relieve physical and psychoiogicai effects associated with menopause. Studies reported an improvement in overall well being during menopause when using black cohosh with combination of soy isoflavones.

How does black cohosh work?
Studies have shown that black cohosh has been effectively used to manage hot flushes — one of the major symptoms of menopause. There are 2 proposed mechanisms by which it does this:
1. Black cohosh has been shown to bind to serotonin receptors in the brain. These receptors regulate body temperature. Hence, by binding to these receptors, they help regulate body temperature and hot flushes associated with menopause.
2. Some studies have found that black cohosh has a modulating effect on luteinizing hormone. An increase in this hormone, with a simultaneous decrease in estrogen levels, results in menopausal symptoms. By modulating the luteinizing hormone, black cohosh decreases the symptoms associated with increasing Jevels of luteinizing hormone.

How long should a woman going through menopause take black cohosh for?
Black cohosh has not been used for long periods, and published studies have followed women for only 6 months or less.
Black Cohosh

CoEnzyme Q10
If there is one organ in your body that works every second of the day, it is your heart. It beats 70 times a minute, 100,000 times daily. That's an incredible amount of energy burnt that needs to be replenished constantly.
Cells use a lot of a particular coenzyme called CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) to generate the energy they need to function. The highest concentrations of this coenzyrne are found in your heart, liver and kidneys. Our bodies produce this coenzyme when we're young but as we age. the production begins to decrease.

What is CoQ10?
CoQ10 is called ubiquinone because it is found in cells. Technically. CoQ10 is referred to as a “vitamin-like substance" or a “co~factor“ because it is produced naturally by the body. It is an essential nutrient needed by all cells to produce energy. CoQ10 helps convert food into energy and helps metabolise energy within the cell mitochondria.

Can we get CoQ10 from our food?
Yes, CoQ1O is found largeiy in beef and migratory fish such as sardines and mackerel, and to a lesser degree, in broccoli and nuts. We need about 30mg a day, which means that we have to eat huge amounts of those foods to get an equivalent of 30mg of CoQ10. Therefore, to get adequate amounts for the body. one can consider supplementing with CoQ10 .

What are the benefits of CoQ10?
Taking CoQ10 regularly may help to improve overall health. It is a known for its antioxidant properties.

How does CoQ10 work in your body?
CoQ1O is an important enzyme that creates 95% of cellular energy used by the body, Organs. particularly the heart, uses a vast amount of CoQ10 to carry out its pumping strength, enhancing the amount of blood that flows through it with every beat. It is also an antioxidant  that can neutralise free radigals, and promote healthy Cell membranes.

Why do we need to supplement with CoQ10?
CoQ1O concentration reduces as we age. Our eating habits and lifestyle choices may result in nutrition deficiencies. Other factors such as strenuous exercises or consumption of certain medication may also reduce the CoQ10 level in the body.

How does it function in the body?
Mitochondria are the energy producing structures inside cells that It helps to limit damage caused by oxygen starvation, enhance tr enable them to function, repair and maintain themselves. In many immune system. protect against oxidative stress, stimulate the ways, mitochondria are like car engines. A cell cannot function antioxidant activity of certain enzymes and protect membranes.
without mitochondria and a car cannot function without an engine. As long as cells are alive. they require a means to produce energy. This energy Comes in the form of adenine triphospate (ATP). CoQ10 is the catalyst in the production of ATP. Therefore, the mitochondria needs sufficient concentration of CoQ10 to ensure optimal production of energy.

Evening Primrose (Gamma-Linolenic Acid(GLA))
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) 

Why does Premenstmal Syndrome (PMS) occur?
There are many different theories regarding the cause of PMS. The most credible is that PMS is a hormonal imbalance resulting from inadequate progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle, coupled with an excess of the hormone estrogen.

Why does PMS affect so many functions of the body?
Since PMS is thought to be caused by hormonal imbalance, it is reasonably certain that the endocrine system is not functioning correctly. And since all the organs and organ systems work together one way or another, the imbalance can affect the body‘s eintire functions. Please take note that PMS-related migraine headaches, aching joints. muscle aches and pains occur only at certain times during the menstrual cycle.

What roles do progesterone and estrogen play in the menstrual cycle?
If no pregnancy occurs, then both these hormonal levels will drop, which is followed by menstruation. In a woman who does not have PMS, both hormones will stay in the
correct balance during the menstrual cycle, but for a woman with PMS, herlestrogen levels will rise but not her progesterone levels.

What potential benefits does GLA have on the body?
Consumption of GLA supports general well-being in women during their menstrual cycle. GLA-containing oils have been found to:

  • improve symptoms of PMS by aitering plasma fatty acids and related prostaglandins, which have been associated with PMS

(Some additional such as ginger extract and dong quai extract to help release discomfort associated with menstruation. Ginger is also useful in relieving mild nausea and general symptoms of PMS. Dong Quai functions by regulating menstruation and studies have shown and reported that black cohosh has been effectively used to manage hot flushes — one of the major symptoms of menopause and make an improvement in overall well-being during menopause).
Evening Primrose Oil Extract

Saw Palmetto & Nettle Root (Herbs for Prostate)
These herbs support urinary health for men. Saw palmetto assists in easing the problem of fluid retention. Nettle root provides herbal support for urinary flow.
Together with Saw palmetto and Nettle root help promote the health of prostate function and urinary flow.
The concentrates provide phytonutrients plant compounds for additional nutritional benefits.

What is the prostate?
The prostate gland is a walnut-shaped male organ tocated just below the biadder. It surrounds the top portion of the urethra, the tube that drains urine from the bladder.

What is the function of the prostate?
The primary function of the prostate is to produce some of the fluids in semen. As a man matures, the prostate goes through two main periods of growth. The first growth phase takes place in puberty when the prostate doubles in size while the second growth phase occurs when a man hits his 40s. The second enlargement of the prostate is a part of the aging process and believed to be caused by changes in hormone balance and cell~growth factors. As the partial obstruction of the bladder.

What are the signs and symptoms of prostate problems?
Obstruction of the bladder may lead to urination problems such as frequent urination, night time urination, weak urinary stream, difficulty in starting a urine stream and dribbling after urination.

How does Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root help?
Saw Palmetto promotes the healthy functioning of the prostate and related systems. Nettle Root is particularly helpful in promoting urinary tract health. Together with Saw Palmetto, this herbal combination helps increase the urinary volume and maximise the rate of urine flow.
Saw Palmetto

Nettle Root

Milk Thistle and Dandelion
The combination of t herbs gives a holistic approach to maintain a healthy liver. Milk Thistle and Dandelion are popular herbs that have been traditionally used in liver health maintenance.
Milk Thistle

Kidney Bean Extract
Traditionally used for general health.
Kidney Bean

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